Parent Engagement
At St Monica's College, we acknowledge that parents, families and carers are the student's first and most important teachers.
At the college, parent engagement is about the college community working closely together with parents and carers to ensure that they play a positive role in their daughter’s learning, school community, cultural, sporting and social life. Research shows us that when schools and families work together students achieve better at school; stay longer at school; are more engaged with their school work; go to school more regularly; behave better; and develop better social skills.
All parents should attend:
- Welcome to the College
- Parent Teacher Meetings (Report feedback etc.)
- Parent Information Evenings (e.g. Wellbeing Talks; Preparing for Senior etc.)
- Other important Invitations (e.g. Opening Mass; Special Assemblies; Sacred Song; Celebrating Excellence Soiree; St Monica’s Live; Graduation etc.)
There are several ways parents and carers can be even more engaged with the college:
- Attend Parent and Friends Meetings
- Apply to be on the College Board
- Volunteer to assist at the college (e.g. tuckshop, library etc.)
- Volunteer to pray at Assembly
- Support your students if they are invited onto the STARS program
- If an Old Scholar – attend Alumni Functions
Board Members
Susan Gandini – Chairperson
Edna Galvin – College Principal
Sr Therese Masterson – Sister of Mercy
Petrice Sutton – Executive Assistant to Principal
Scott Sheppard – Business Manager
Rodney Butland – Board Member
Anna Tscheppera O’Brien – Board Member
Stephen Ung – Board Member
Katrina Seivers – Board Member
P&F Executive Members
Michelle Rothwell – President
Belinda Porter – Secretary
Derek Pudniks – Treasurer
Anna Middleton
Stephanie Kendall