Learning and Teaching
Our teachers lead our students on an explicit teaching journey where the learning is both exciting and challenging with expert support and encouragement.
From our Primary school visits, to speaking to the Year 5 students, to our Enrolment Interviews, Open and Orientation Days, to the first day of school in Year 7 – students begin a dynamic introduction to learning and teaching at St Monica’s College. The Year 7 to 10 students follow the Australian Curriculum and the Years 11 and 12 study for a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or a Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA) from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
St Monica’s College staff are committed to the concept of an inclusive education within a Mercy Charism. They strive to ensure that the students are equipped for the skills required of the 21st century while also ensuring they have access to a wide range of other important life skills. The teachers are committed educators who work tirelessly to ensure the excellent results of their students are maintained and extended.
In the learning and teaching program the students are also offered a variety of co-curricular activities to extend their knowledge – e.g. Sleek Geeks Science Competition; Brainy Bee; the STAR Program; Opti-Minds; Debating; Public Speaking; Readers’ Club; Drama Productions; Musical Performances; Extensive Sport and Physical Activities.
Classrooms are places of dynamic learning with many staff using Flipped learning and Canvas to ensure students have ready access to their units and assessment at all times. Students have a wonderful opportunity to excel at their studies as well as seek support when required.
The Learning Enrichment Team endeavour to care for and support a variety of students’ needs and requirements. This team work to ensure our students make a very smooth transition into the college and along with our Careers Officer/Counsellor provide excellent guidance for our graduating students.