Emergency Notification
COVID 19 Information
The health and wellbeing of our students and all in our college community is the most important consideration in the face of this virus. We continue to take advice from the Queensland Health, the Australian Government and Catholic Education Services.
All students have been notified about the necessary hygiene measures:
Washing hands with soap for 20 seconds after arriving at school, going to the bathroom, before eating, after blowing your nose, after sport and after touching public surfaces.
Several hand sanitisers are also around the college for student and staff use.
Cough and sneeze into your elbow – use a tissue if able and dispose of it immediately.
Do not share food, drink or utensils.
Avoid all hand to hand contact.
Avoid touching your face and other people’s computers.
Students should use a water bottle and NOT drink directly from the taps and bubblers.
If attending mass follow the strict rules circulated – communion in the hand only, sign of the peace to be said – no hand shaking etc.
Sick Students:
If a student presents with a fever or other symptoms, parents/carers will be advised and requested to collect the student. Boarders will follow Boarding Guidelines. Students will remain at home following Qld Health Guidelines.
College Events:
Any changes, modifications or postponed events will be notified to the community as soon as decisions and arrangements are complete.
In the event of college closure:
We have a Contingency Plan to enable learning to continue if the college is closed. This will be with online teaching platforms – CANVAS in particular. Year 12 students will be the priority, particularly with the new QCE in Qld – but all year levels will have access to learning and will be updated when learning returns to normal.
If schools close or holidays are extended – it is absolutely critical that students remain at home unless they are seeking medical advice. They cannot go to public areas, use public transport or gather in groups. This is the reason for the closure – to contain exposure to possible infection.